
A combination of thoughts from home

Up At The O2

Up At The O2


For my boyfriend's birthday recently we were bought the amazing present of walking over the O2, otherwise known as the Millenium Dome. It was a pretty daunting task as although you have the protective gear shown in the photos, that was it! Whilst walking up the O2, it was all quite open and I felt like it may not have looked very safe. The experience lasted a total of 60 minutes and we were lucky enough to have a great instructor to help us up and down, and tell us a few interesting facts during our ten minute stop at the top. If you need to buy a present for anyone or fancy treating yourself to viewing the sights of London, then I would definitely recommend it! However, to ensure you really get value for money, ask lots of questions the whole way through about what you see, even if you think that it may sound like a silly question...as you never know what people may tell you!
Here is the official video...


LillianZahra said...

I am hopefully doing this for my birthday - it looks so fun! I'm don't think I'm scared of heights so hopefully I'm correct about that! x

Unknown said...

How exciting! Hope you had an amazing time! :)

Debra Bros Blog

Charlotte said...

ah you actually look pretty cool! and sounds like fun!

ordaining serendipity

Josie said...

I always see people doing this, looks like so much fun! xxx

Amy - Salt and Chic said...

Wow that looks amazing if not a little bit scary! Would love to do something like that



sepatuholig-Grace Njio said...

Looks like an awesome experience! Greatttt post!

Unknown said...

USA Suits
This your is absolutely fine. I like this.

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